由 George Michael 和 Andrew Ridgeley 二位年輕鮮肉組合而成的英國雙人男子偶像團體 "Wham (轟!合唱團)" 在1981年英國倫敦成軍,一下子就引領潮流在流行樂裡颳起一陣旋風。好景不常「轟!合唱團」卻在1986年解散,George Michael 以單飛歌手身份繼續活躍於歐美樂壇上,Andrew Ridgeley 里則將工作重心轉往幕後發展。這有點像台灣的「優客李林」主唱林志炫和創作者李驥一樣(1991-1996),最終一個幕前一個幕後。「轟!合唱團」在 1984年聖誕節前夕推出 "Everything She Wants"專輯,收錄這首應景耶誕歌曲 "Last Chrsitmas" 一推出馬上榮登當年 UK 聖誕歌曲第一名。
Last Christmas 
George Michael
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart  去年聖誕節時我早把心交給了妳 
But the very next day you gave it away  但隔天妳竟然不要了
This year, to save me from tears  
I'll give it to someone special  
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart   去年聖誕節時我早把心交給了妳 
But the very next day you gave it away  但隔天妳竟然不要了
This year, to save me from tears  
I'll give it to someone special  
Once bitten and twice shy  第一次心碎第二次心醉
I keep my distance  我和你保持距離
But you still catch my eye  但妳依然吸引著我
Tell me, baby 寶貝
Do you recognize me  妳還記得我嗎?
Well, it's been a year  好吧!一年過去了
It doesn't surprise me  這件事已經不會讓我放在心上了
(Merry Christmas) (聖誕快樂)
I wrapped it up and sent it  我打包好這份禮物並送出去
With a note saying, "I love you, " I meant it  我相當認真地在上面的紙條上寫下"我愛妳"    
Now, I know what a fool I've been  現在我才意識到當初我傻的可以
But if you kissed me now  可是如果妳現在給我一個吻
I know you'd fool me again  我就會知道妳又會再耍我一次
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart  去年聖誕節時我早把心交給了妳 
But the very next day you gave it away  但隔天妳竟然不要了
This year, to save me from tears  
I'll give it to someone special  
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart   去年聖誕節時我早把心交給了妳 
But the very next day you gave it away  但隔天妳竟然不要了
This year, to save me from tears  
I'll give it to someone special  
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes  滿臉倦意的朋友們擠在同一間房間
I'm hiding from you, and your soul of ice  我試著躲開妳跟妳那冰冷的靈魂
My god! I thought you were someone to rely on  我的天啊!我還以為妳是可以寄託的人
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on  我以為我的肩膀是妳哭泣的地方
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart  情人的臉龐有著狂野的心
A man under cover but you tore me apart  我要掩蓋掉卻被妳看穿了
Now, I've found a real love you'll never fool me again  現在我已找到真愛,妳再也不能玩弄我
**REPEAT ##**
其實也可以參閱另一篇部落格 George Michael 經典歌曲 Careless Whisper 了解更多喬治麥克的故事

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